Why PowerPoint Professionals

P3 takes pride in producing clear, professional presentations that stand out in any setting. With over 30 years of experience our designers create unique layouts and custom graphics that highlight your material and bring your content to life.

If you find yourself in any of the below situations P3 is the right fit for you.

Frustrated at Computer

Do you or your creative team cringe when someone says "PowerPoint"?

We love PowerPoint, it's what we do for a living. If you get frustrated trying to make slides look perfect, don't have time, or just need quick friendly service contact us today.

Are your slides content heavy?

This may go against presentation 101, but we understand that sometimes you have to say it all. We frequently work with companies in regulated industries where clear and concise isn't always possible. Our PowerPoint designers will make your slides look great. To get started request an estimate today.

Can't find the right template?

No problem. Let us customize one for you. If you enjoy working on PowerPoints too, and want to design your own slides, we can get you started. We've designed templates for individuals and fortune 500 companies. We can even provide a style guide for you to work from.

Not happy with an existing Presentation?

Let us makeover your slides. Our PowerPoint specialists will use your existing content and branding standards to design a clear, professional PowerPoint that you'll be proud to present. We offer different slide design levels to fit your needs and budget.

Working within a tight deadline and/or budget?

We are up for a good challenge. We will work within your timeline and budget to find a solution that fits your needs and meets your objectives. For more information, please request an estimate or call us at 913.777.8258.

Have further questions about P3? Check out our FAQ page.

Looking at the Computer

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